Assessment of the efficacy of posterior extra-short implant support for an interforaminal implant-supported fixed full-arch mandibular prosthesis

Published: 8 June 2020
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Aim The purpose of the present study was to determine whether it is useful to support a fixed full-arch prosthesis supported by interforaminal implants, with extra-short implants (4 mm) in the posterior region in order to eliminate the cantilever extensions, in posterior atrophic mandible cases.

Methods Six different models including three or four interforaminal implants with or without support of posterior extra-short implants were formed. Straumann tissue-level implants (4.1x12mm and 4.1x4mm) were modeled for this study. Spherical loadings from canine and molar regions were applied to evaluate tension, compression, and von Mises stresses by implementing finite element analysis.

Results In most conditions, four interforaminal implant supports provide balanced stress distributions, on the other hand, only three interforaminal implants were found to be insufficient biomechanically. The support of interforaminal implants with extra-short implants in the posterior region did not show the expected contribution, especially against the forces in the canine region. Also, the placement of four posterior extra-short implants does not make significant difference compared to the placement of two extra-short implants.

Conclusions Implant-supported fixed prosthetic rehabilitation with cantilever extension of an edentulous mandible supported by four implants in the interforaminal region reached the best biomechanical results of the present study.




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H. Can Tükel, DDS PhD, Assistant Professor, Çukurova University, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Adana



How to Cite

Tükel, H. C., & Küçükkurt, S. (2020). Assessment of the efficacy of posterior extra-short implant support for an interforaminal implant-supported fixed full-arch mandibular prosthesis. Journal of Osseointegration, 12(2), 181–188.