Prospective clinical evaluation of 273 modified acid-etched dental implants: 1- to 5- year results

Submitted: 8 June 2017
Accepted: 8 June 2017
Published: 30 March 2012
Abstract Views: 724
PDF: 351
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Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the implant survival and the implant-crown success of implants with surface treated with organic acids. Materials and methods A total of 273 implants (Implus®, Leader-Novaxa, Milan, Italy) were inserted in 63 patients, from June 2006 to June 2010, in a single clinical centre. In each annual follow up session, clinical, radiographic and prosthetic parameters were evaluated. The implant-crown success criteria included the absence of pain, suppuration and clinical mobility, a distance between the implant shoulder and the first visible bone contact (DIB) <2.0 mm from the surgery and the absence of prosthetic complications at the implantabutment interface. Prosthetic restorations were 32 fixed partial prostheses, 48 single crowns and 16 fixed full arches. Results the cumulative survival rate was 95.70% (93.81 maxilla, 98.24% mandible). Among the surviving implants, the implant-crown success was 96.07%. At the 5-year control, the mean DIB was 1.2 mm (± 0.5). Conclusion Implants with surface treated with organic acids seem to represent a good solution for the prosthetic rehabilitation of partially and completely edentulous patients.



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How to Cite

De Franco, M., Mangano, F. G., Mangano, A., Pigato, A., Rapani, M., Luongo, G., & Mangano, C. (2012). Prospective clinical evaluation of 273 modified acid-etched dental implants: 1- to 5- year results. Journal of Osseointegration, 4(1), 3–8.