Search Results
Found 7 items.
Biofilm formation on titanium alloy and anatase- Bactercline® coated titanium healing screws: an in vivo human study
Published: 30 March 2013587PDF: 582 -
A histomorphometric comparison of anorganic bovine bone (ABB) and calcium sulfate (CaS) used in sinus augmentation procedures: a study in sheep
Published: 30 June 2010528PDF: 543 -
Immediately loaded blade implants. A histological and histomorphometrical evaluation after a long loading period. A retrospective 20 years analysis (1989-2009)
Published: 30 October 2012486PDF: 343 -
Evaluation of biological width around implants inserted in native alveolar crest bone
Published: 30 August 2009566PDF: 595 -
Small-diameter dental implants: An adjunct for retention, stability, and comfort for the edentulous patient
Published: 30 October 2012478PDF: 496 -
Immediately loaded screw implant retrieved after a 12-year loading period: a histologic and histomorphometric case report
Published: 30 August 2009522PDF: 486 -
Removal, after 7 years, of an implant displaced into the maxillary sinus. A clinical and histologic case report
Published: 30 June 2009483PDF: 1571
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